A Western Buddhist's Travels

Sightseeing & detours on the path of enlightenment

Archive for the month “November, 2012”

To all my author friends

I just saw on techvibes that the revenue from ebooks has surpassed hardcover revenues for the first time, according to the Association of American Publishers. So is it one reader if by kindle and two if by kobo, what is the correct way to signal this revolution?

Read the details here.

“An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse.”


The topic is “An Offer I Couldn’t Refuse” you have 10 minutes.

If someone came up to me with an offer to pay my expenses as I spent a year at a teaching English at a Buddhist Temple or Wat overseas in Asia, I would be winding up my daily life here. Now I’m not talking living a Vancouver lifestyle in a foreign country, as that’s not the point. Rather a comfortable , safe place to live, good local food, transportation costs, and a little to do some sight seeing while there. I  would be able to offer classes to the Monks, as well as locals, concentrating on their ability to have a basic conversation in English.

I would gain through the cultural exchange by learning their culture, food and lifestyle. Making new friends, and learning to further reduce my attachment to physical objects. While there other than clothing, rent, food, transportation costs, I would also be able to donate a portion of my salary to the Temple or Wat, as well as my providing the English lessons. Communication costs of a cell phone and internet access, as I would also do a blog about the experience, after all I know many of you would enjoy reading about a Western Buddhist in a small village or city in Asia. The struggles of learning enough of their language to be able to function. If asked either Thailand or southern parts of China, as I have a little of both languages. Plus I love Thai food or Schezuan style Chinese food, for the spice, Shanghai style for the freshness.

Final minute, it’s always nice to have a what if dream, now you know mine.

Fight or Flight, the Daily Prompt

Write about your strongest memory of heart-pounding, belly-twisting nervousness: what caused the adrenaline? Was it justified? How did you respond?

My fight or flight moment happened when I was a teenager. My aunt and uncle had a dude ranch for several years in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. Besides riding, there were treasure hunts in the woods, hikes and trips to the river for tubing. Also having spent summers visiting my farm relatives, I had a fair dose of common sense and knowledge about nature. The previous year my cousin Dan and I had camped next to the James river and found cougar tracks outside the tent one morning. However it was the following year when I was indulging in my passion for Saskatoon berries, when I had my fight or flight reflex kick in. I was busy eating berries, and when I turned the corner to get to an easier pot on the hillside, there about ten feet from me, was the biggest, and only brown bear I had seen up close. As we looked at each other, I decided that he could have all the berries, and I slowly backed up, then left the bushes. Afterwards describing the encounter, my uncle asked how big the bear was, and I held my hand up, and he said it sounded like the bear was probably about 3 years old. He then said the bear was probably just as scared of me, as I was of it. That is one of those questions, that will never be answered for sure, but I think I won on the scared-o-meter.

Daily Prompt: Fight or Flight

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