A Western Buddhist's Travels

Sightseeing & detours on the path of enlightenment

Insomniacs, shift workers, and the jet lagged, the end of your suffering may be in sight

Are you one of those who need more sleep. Some causes such as a new-born in the house are temporary problems, that time will solve. Others such as shift work. Those who don’t work the usual 9 – 5 considered the norm in western society, actually out number those who get the golden shift. For all those who work in the service fields, such as healthcare, transit, police, and other emergency services, food service, hospitality, and many more 9 – 5 is more like a dream than reality. Then there are those who travel for work and cross multiple time zones, getting jet lag. Have you watched the person next to you, walk off the plane like they just woke up after crossing several time zones, while you drag your brain along in a semi coordinated state of mobility? Perhaps you have traveled halfway around the world on a holiday, and ended up with your mornings feeling like bedtime. For temporary situations many people use melatonin or other over the counter treatments to get by.

Well thanks to researchers at two Canadian universities, these issues might soon be manageable. Researchers have found that mice that either lack or have lower levels of a protein overcame disruptions to their circadian rhythm faster than mother mice. Also the study shows that having a stronger biological clock may affect how we age. So lets hope the researchers at McGill and Concordia are successful in finding the solution to a better nights sleep for many.

However strategies such as learning how to calm your mind through meditation, will help you without medication. Eliminating those late night caffeinated beverages, and not drinking fluids within a few hours of bedtime. Also not watching late night television or reading in bed might help.

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One thought on “Insomniacs, shift workers, and the jet lagged, the end of your suffering may be in sight

  1. This is all great advice and I have found in retirement, I maintain a regiment of going to bed at a regular time to avoid staying up past midnight.

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