A Western Buddhist's Travels

Sightseeing & detours on the path of enlightenment

Accepting the challenge!

I was reading many of your blogs today, when one caught my eye. http://travelgardeneat.com/2012/11/04/30-days-of-blessings-condensed-challenge/ Reading it made me think of my list of 30 things that are blessings.

1. Coffee, although some may call it a curse, as I have been know to stumble past the coffee maker in the morning to hit the start button, on the way to that little office we all visit.

2. Family, Love them at times, at others it’s argghh how did I end up in this one.

3. Seasons, a rhythmic cycle that seems to work better for me than days or weeks, or even months.

4. Statutory holidays, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc. Allowing us a chance to visit with friends or relatives that we otherwise wouldn’t see as often.

5.  Meditation, as it helps keep me cool, calm and focused.

6. The Internet, which has become a part of our everyday lives in so many ways, after all your reading this right? 😛

7. Cell phone for allowing me to remember the good old days when I was unreachable unless at home or work, or wait let me think about this one some more.

8. Good health, other than a few minor problems, I am in fairly good shape, and still get around easily.

9. Neighborhood markets, where I can choose whats for supper based on what tempts my eye, and its fresh.

10. No allergies, I would count this  as part of good health, but it is so much more. The ability to eat whatever I choose with out regard to food allergies, is wonderful. Also there is no truth to the rumor, I have a stainless steel stomach, just because I love Thai & Schezuan food.

11. Digital camera, otherwise I would have so many shoe boxes filled that someone might be tempted to call for an intervention thinking I had a hoarding problem.

12. Rapid transit, except when it’s so full I can’t get on a few trains in a row.

13. Canada, my home even when  have left, it’s always great to be back, and should I ever move for good, a place I would put on my list of places to visit.

14. Airplanes, as flapping my arms hasn’t worked yet and ships take too long to get some places.

15. Comfortable shoes, as I love to walk good shoes are a must.

16. Murphy or wall beds, having one now has made me a believer these should be the standard. Think about it, you have unexpected company drop by, and with a quick folding up, voila you have extra space, and no one can tell if you made your bed. I know mom is probably looking down, saying she raised me better.

17. My parents, they were strict when needed, even if at the time I felt they were draconian. Encouraging me to question, examine and make up my own mind.

18. Public education, as it opens so many doors that might not have been there otherwise.

19. The Earth, yup that tiny ball we live on. You know the one we borrow from our children, we don’t inherit from our ancestors.

20. My daughter, who when she was born made the meaning of life clear, it’s not about ourselves anymore.

21. Car share or car co-ops such as Zip car, Modo etc. All the benefits of car ownership, with the convenience of a rental.

22. The ability to laugh, at myself especially. Comes in handy for when  I get hit with that thought “What was I thinking?”

23. Society for with out the rest of you life would not only be boring, but I would be too busy just trying to survive.

24. Music for it adds the soundtrack to my life, now if it would just sync without my intervention, hmm there’s a good idea for a program.

25. Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, and all the others who gave us a belief system to help make us better people.

26. Dessert, and comfort food which are not just nutrition but foods that can alter our moods.

27. Home Depot, blame my genes, or maybe it’s my jeans that I wear when wielding those tools I bought there. It’s amazing how quickly the ladies find us useful when we wield tools other than the fork and knife.

28. Utensils, otherwise I would have to wash a lot more laundry.

29. Books, yes even in this day and age a book has that certain feeling that it imparts, while you read it on a clod and stormy night, when the lights are flickering, that a eBook just doesn’t quite convey.

30. All those little things I take for granted, that deserve a place on a list like this.

So here my challenge, I will pass it along to you, what would make your list? You can do it one a day for 30 days, or all at once, it’s up to you.

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12 thoughts on “Accepting the challenge!

  1. So true about books — while I love the convenience of my nook while traveling, some books are not the same without the weight in your hands, the paper pages as you turn. ~ Kat

  2. It is good for the soul to count our blessings!

  3. I accept your challenge Keith – it’s a lovely idea at this time of dismay in my house to record one thing a day that is wonderful. I’ll probably post it at the end of the month x annie

  4. Pingback: Challenge Accepted «

  5. Pingback: 30 days of gratitude | bodhisattvaintraining

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