A Western Buddhist's Travels

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Archive for the tag “Poetry”

A years wisdom in 32 lines

A little somthing to wrap up the lessons learned over the last year, and perhaps from even before, I hope you enjoy reading it.


As we grow up, we learn that even that special one person that wasn’t supposed to ever let us down probably will.

Also we will fail to meet what others expected of us.

You’ll have your heart broken and you’ll break others’ hearts.

You’ll fight with your best friend or maybe even fall in love with them.

If you fall in love with someone make them your best friend forever as well.

You’ll cry one day because time is flying by, and also enjoy moments that last forever.

So take way too many pictures, laugh too much, forgive freely, and love like you’ve never been hurt.

Life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, and no second chances.

You can’t change the past, the future is just what may happen, so make this moment the very best you can.

You just have to live life to the fullest, but remember to stop and smell the flowers along the way.

Tell someone how much they mean to you, and especially when things are troubled between you and them.

Tell someone when they have hurt you then forgive and forget, for in this we develop the strongest bonds between two people.

Speak out against anything that harms someone, for evil succeeds when good people remain silent.

Dance in the pouring rain; let it wash away your troubles.

Hold someone’s hand through the bad times as well as the good times.

Comfort a friend, with a sympathetic ear, a soft shoulder, a hug, or even some chocolate.

Just be sure to break the pieces in half to let out all the calories.

Fall asleep in your lovers arms watching the sun come up.

Stay up late with your children and let them see the stars, as goals to aim for as they grow.

Smile until your face hurts, then smile a little longer, it’s good for your complexion.

Don’t be afraid to take chances or fall in love, and when you are in love let the other person know it every chance and way you can.

As a Buddhist, Christian or most other faiths, we are told to love others, and that love is an act of giving not expecting anything in return.

But most of all live in the moment because every second you spend angry or upset is a second of happiness you can never get back.

The symbol of yin and yang expresses happiness and sadness just the same as it does good and evil.

The happiness or good is the white, but has the smallest spot of dark in it.

The bad or unhappy is black but still has a small speck of white.

This reminds us that while we are here we will never have a perfect life while here, but we can come close.

Nor is there a life so bad, that there is no hope.

The middle is a curving line as there is no set mid-point; it will vary from day today.

Also acts can be good or bad depending on when they are done, and the intent they are done with.

They say trouble shared is cut in half, while happiness shared is doubled.

So my friends may your cup of joy be ever over flowing.


Happy New Year to all, and may the coming year be filled with peace, harmony and compassion to all.


December 31, 2011

No I or U in love

A quick explanation in case anyone who reads this isn’t fluent in English. U the letter is pronounced or said the same as the word you. So this may not work the same in another language, but the message remains the same.

Love works best when there is no I or you involved. If we go into a romantic relationship with thoughts of what we will gain, we are starting off on the wrong foot, for walking down the path of romance. Conversely if we make it all about the other person, that will not work either, as sooner or later our ego will say, hey what’s in this for me?

It is when we give our love without an expectation of specific responses in return that we can let the relationship grow, be happier in it, and have fewer problems.  If as a male, the only time I say I love you to my spouse, is when we are already in bed, and I want to initiate sex, then soon she will equate those words with just wanting sex. If however I say them at breakfast, at random times of the day, or when we part each others company for the day, and even the occasional phone call just to tell her those words, then she will feel loved, and not think I only say it when I want something. For the lady, saying I love you to your husband just before you want to ask him to buy something, or do something is like trying to bribe him, soon us guys here those words, and we think “what does she want this time. So the same thing applies ladies, say them through out the day. Also if it is love it is not all one sided both should benefit, usually fairly equally, but at times one or the other more so. It is during those times the person benefiting the most needs to share, and the person who isn’t benefiting as much needs to be happy for the other person, and delight in their joy. So love is the interaction between two people, the thoughts, words, and actions. So is there an I or U when you say love?

Love Like Morning Sun

Today’s post is brought to you by an unknown poet. I found this at one time but can’t find the author, so if you know please let me know, so I may give proper credit. The poem does a wonderful job of describing someone who is blessed with a great relationship.

Love Like Morning Sun

So often, when I’m alone with my thoughts,

I feel your presence enter me

like the morning sun’s early light,

filling my memories and dreams of us

with a warm and clear radiance.

You have become my love, my life,

and together we have shaped our world

until it seems now as natural as breathing.

But I remember when it wasn’t always so –

times when peace and happiness seemed more

like intruders in my life than

the familiar companions they are today;

times when we struggled to know each other,

but always smoothing out those rough spots

until we came to share ourselves completely.

We can never rid our lives entirely

of sadness and difficult times

but we

can understand them together, and grow

stronger as individuals and as a loving couple.

If I don’t tell you as often as I’d like,

it’s because I could never tell you enough –

that I’m grateful for you

sharing your life with mine,

and that my love for you will live forever

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